Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Compromise...

I've been really stressing out about going back to work. I am still going back May 26th, but I'm going to ask for a part-time schedule. My original plan was to work five hours in the office and then three hours at home. That plan had me really worried about not wanting (or being able) to work when I got home. My new plan (I have to ask permission I'll find out if the partners will go for it) is to work six hours/day and take a 25% decrease in pay. This way I won't have to worry about whether I get my hours in at home and I can focus completely on Alyanna.


GingerB May 14, 2009 at 10:48 AM  

Hey there - I saw your comment on Diaper Monologues, and because I am also a mommy/attorney I wanted to chime in. I work full time, and it kinda blows, but I am a public servant so I leave the office when I can and lawyers doing billables can't. A friend in private practice recently got her office to do a 2/3 time agreement with her, and she couldn't be happier, but it did annoy all the women who weren't given the option in the past. So go fight for it and do what works for your family. Best of luck, and enjoy these last two weeks!

Law Mommy May 14, 2009 at 5:32 PM  

The good thing...if you look at it from a certain point of view...I'm the only female attorney to come back to work from maternity leave. :) So at least they are getting me back maybe that's why there are only 2 female lawyers (soon to be 3) at the firm. You know now that I look at it...that's kind of sad.