Today I saw this very disturbing commercial of a mother napping on a couch with her infant and the result is that the baby wasn't breathing when the mom wakes up. I feel this is somewhat misleading. It is perfectly safe and healthy to co-sleep with a baby, if done properly. Alyanna and I were co-sleeping up until last week. We didn't stop co-sleeping for fear of suffocation or SIDS but because she has been sleeping through the night for over a month and I felt it was time. I believe co-sleeping has enhanced my bond with Alyanna and improved our breastfeed outcome. Don't get me wrong we took precautions to ensure we couldn't roll over on Alyanna or have her over heat. We used a Snuggle Nest and it has worked so well. I am just afraid that commercials like these are just so scary that other women won't do their own research. See http://www.askdrsears.com/html/10/handout1.asp, http://www.breastfeeding.com/reading_room/co_slepping.html and http://www.cosleeping.org/ for more information.
Mothers seem to be told what to do instead of being given options, and if you don't do what you are told you are a bad mother. If I didn't know better and I had watched that commercial I probably wouldn't have even tried co-sleeping, even knowing what I know the commercial makes me sick to my stomach.
I am now stepping down from my soap box.
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